The project is backend flask CRUD project - Pizza order and deliever system. In development, I used SQLite as my database. There are two relational talbes, users and orders. In user table, it included
id, username, email, password, is_staff, is_active
. In orders table, it includedorder_id, pizza_size, order_status, pizza_flavour, qutity, cutormer_id
. I usedflask-sqlalchemy
to create the database andflask-migrate
to migrate the database.
If you're interested in viewing more about Flask, check out my repo on how to build, test, and deploy a Flask app.
Some technologies in this projects
- Flask
- Flask-SQLAlchemy
- Postgres
- Gunicorn - Python WSGI HTTP Server
- psycopg2 - PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
- Render - Deploy and host your web app
Check out the details about Render
Transfrom database from SQLite to Postgres
Used HeidiSQL
to connect to the Render server and generate DATABASE_URL
, and also (but no need for this project) it can export the database to SQL file. (for example)
I didn't focus on how to work in dev and test environment in this post. After I finished dev and test in local successfully, I would deploy my project to Render website.
So from development to production, what I changed for developing this Flask project.
In virtual environment,
# pip
(venv)$ pip install gunicorn
(venv)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
(venv)$ pip install psycopg2-binary
(venv)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
Production configuration
import os
import re
from decouple import config
uri = config("DATABASE_URL") # or other relevant config var
if uri.startswith("postgres://"):
uri = uri.replace("postgres://", "postgresql://", 1)
class ProdConfig(Config):
from api import create_app
from api.config.config import config_dict
# change the config type from dev to prodution
app= create_app(config=config_dict['prodution'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
Database Initialization
In virtual environment,
export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://
# what means of this DATABASE_URL?
# Network type: PostgreSQL (TCP/IP)
# User name: flask_rest_api_project_user
# Password: O777qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq
# Hostname:
# port: 5432
export FLASK_APP=api/
flask shell
>>>db.create_all() # create tables
Render Deployment Steps
Web Service
Start by creating a new account with Render (if you don't have one). Then, navigate to your dashboard, click on the "New +" button, and select "Web Service".
Connect your Render account to either your GitLab or GitHub account. Once connected, select the repository to deploy.- Fill out the configuration for deploying the Web Service:
- Environment: Python 3
- Region: Oregon (us-west)
- Branch: main
- Build Command: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start Command: gunicorn runserver:app is the file name, app is the variable name
- Set Environment Variables
- DATABASE_URL: postgresql://............... (your database url)
- PYTHON_VERSION: 3.10.2 (My python version)
- SECRET_KEY: (your secret key)
- DEBUG: True
- JWT_SECRET_KEY: (your jwt secret key)
- CONFIG_TYPE: production
- Check the deployment status by clicking on the "Events" tab
You'll see that the "Deploy" is live once all the configuration changes are applied and the service is updated.